Oct. 22, 2015

F-Grid Ohira, Miyagi Limited Liability Partnership

Japan's First Regional Emergency Power Supply System Commences Operation


F-Grid Ohira, Miyagi Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), represented by Toyota Motor Corporation, announced today that it has commenced operation of a regional emergency power supply system within its smart community project.

At the same time, a joint exercise simulating the provision of electricity to the region during emergencies was also conducted today around the Second North Sendai Central Industrial Area and near Ohira Village Hall, with about 50 participants representing the 11 companies in the LLP and Ohira Village Hall.

The project began in October 2011, when a Japanese government grant for promoting smart communities was approved for an energy-management system in the Second North Sendai Central Industrial Area.

The F-Grid Concept is a system based on the idea of creating sustainable, regionally-integrated towns and industrial areas that control and optimize power usage. This can be achieved through area-wide flexible distribution of electric power and heat generated at privately owned power facilities using city gas, together with power purchased from power companies. Since the LLP was founded in February 2013, the system was expanded in stages, and now has 11 corporations participating as LLP members. Compared with fiscal 2011 (before the F-Grid was introduced), plants within the Second North Sendai Central Industrial Area have managed to reduce energy procurement costs and improve economic efficiency, such as achieving about 20 percent savings in energy and reduction in CO2 emissions of about 23 percent.

In addition, when there are prolonged power outages during times of emergency, energy is not just provided to plants within the F-Grid. Unused electricity generated stably and safely by privately owned power facilities will be purchased by Tohoku Electric Power and provided to emergency centers in the surrounding region, such as the Ohira Village Hall. F-Grid's power supply to the surrounding region is the first of its kind in the nation. Furthermore, eight plug-in hybrid vehicles that can act as external power sources and charging/discharging systems, comprising storage batteries used in hybrid vehicles and solar power generators that have been installed in two locations, act as emergency power sources to improve initial response capability in order to support regional recovery activities during times of need.

The LLP aims to contribute to the creation of stable, regionally-integrated towns and industrial areas by maintaining and improving environmental performance, economic efficiency and energy security (3E) through the continuous development of this project.


Overview of the F-Grid Ohira, Miyagi Limited Liability Partnership
February 28, 2013
1 Chuodaira, Ohira-mura, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi Prefecture (inside Toyota Motor East Japan, Inc.)
946 million yen
LLP representative entity
Toyota Motor Corporation
LLP members (11 corporations)
Member name Role Equity participation
Toyota Motor Corporation LLP business supervision 26.4
Toyota Motor East Japan, Inc.
  • LLP administration and operation
  • Managing and operating F-Grid installed systems
Toyota Tsusho Corporation
  • LLP administration and operation
  • Verifying effectiveness of environmental/energy conservation facilities
Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
  • Providing electricity to LLP (including provision of electricity during emergencies*)
LLP members with an equity interest ratio of 1% or less (seven corporations)
Toyota Boshoku Tohoku Co., Ltd.; Skylark Co., Ltd.; Toyota Transportation Co., Ltd.; Central Motor Wheel Tohoku Co., Ltd.; Vuteq Corporation; VEGi-Dream Kurihara Corporation; Gas Bureau, City of Sendai

*Tohoku Electric Power will purchase electricity from the LLP and provide it to emergency centers (such as Ohira Village Hall) using its high voltage power lines.

LLP business details
  1. Provision of electricity to LLP members
  2. Provision of heating (including steam and hot water; same applies below) to LLP members
  3. Sale, leasing, and rental of required facilities, equipment, software, etc. for electricity provision, heating provision, electricity conservation, energy conservation, storage of electricity, and energy management
  4. Commissioned assignment to conduct maintenance/administration tasks for electricity- and heating-related facilities owned by LLP members
  5. Provision of information to LLP members regarding electricity- and heating-related technology, knowledge, expertise, etc.
  6. Sales of electricity to power companies supplying electricity to regional citizens and public facilities located near the Second North Sendai Central Industrial Area in times of large-scale disasters, such as earthquakes

Overview of Smart Community Project
Ordinary operation (since April 2013)

Control and optimization of energy distribution enabling flexible allocation to plants throughout the industrial area. Balance between grid power purchased from power companies and electricity/heat generated by privately owned power facilities (using city gas) owned by LLP members.

During times of emergency (announced today)

Unused electricity generated by privately owned power facilities within F-Grid will be purchased by Tohoku Electric Power, which will provide that electricity to the surrounding region, including the Ohira Village Hall and other emergency centers, using its high voltage power lines.

Overview of Smart Community Project

Procedure for energy backup during times of emergency
Step Process
1 Maintain power supply using Prius PHVs and charging/discharging systems, without waiting for startup of privately owned power facilities.
Eight PHVs (each providing single-phase 100V-1500W) deployed in 2013; charging/discharging systems using Prius reusable storage batteries installed at Toyota Motor East Japan (100V-30kW system) and Toyota Boshoku Tohoku (100V-20kW system) in 2014.
2 After verifying system health and conducting pre-operation preparations and procedures, start up privately owned power facilities (blackout start) to provide electricity needed for disaster recovery to plants within the F-Grid.
3 Sell unused electricity (up to 1500 kW) to Tohoku Electric Power for provision to regional emergency centers such as Ohira Village Hall.
Procedure for energy backup during times of emergency

Downloads (Images)

  • Overview of Smart Community Project
    Overview of Smart Community Project
  • Procedure for energy backup during times of emergency
    Procedure for energy backup during times of emergency
  • PHVs being used as external power sources
    PHVs being used as external power sources
  • PHVs being used as external power sources
    PHVs being used as external power sources
  • The exercise of providing emergency power by Tohoku Electric Power
    The exercise of providing emergency power by Tohoku Electric Power
  • System health check by Tohoku Electric Power
    System health check by Tohoku Electric Power